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feet with two different socks onYour feet take a beating every day, and that means your skin is constantly at risk. A skin problem on your feet may not only cause cosmetic concerns but can also jeopardize your overall health, especially if you have a chronic condition like diabetes. Don’t let skin conditions on your feet go untreated. Talk to your podiatrist near Chicago if you see signs of chronic dryness, irritation, warts, or wounds that won’t heal. Keep your feet in top condition with this advice for protecting your skin.

Don’t Go Barefoot

Walking barefoot means that there is no protection between the surfaces you’re walking on and your feet. That leaves your feet vulnerable to injuries, including cuts from stepping on sharp objects to burns from walking on hot surfaces. Walking barefoot can also cause you to develop calluses and persistent dryness. If you have broken skin on your feet—even if the breaks are so small you can’t see them—then you have openings through which bacteria can center your skin can cause infections. Keep shoes or socks on your feet at all times, even at home.

Change Your Socks

Wearing socks for more than one day can encourage foot fungus to grow. The dampness and heat from unclean socks can also foster the growth of bacteria and make any infections on your feet worsen. Never wear your socks for more than one day without washing them, in order to protect your skin. You should also immediately change your socks if they become wet to reduce the chances of foot fungal infections.

Inspect Your Feet

When it comes to skin problems on your feet, the earlier you get treatment, the better. However, you may not notice the signs of infections in their early stages if you don’t actively examine the skin on your feet. Dry your feet off after you shower and look for signs of issues. If you do see any areas of concern, report them to your foot doctor right away.

Take a Step Toward Comfort